Wheel of the Year
Yule - 21st December

The Wheel of the Year goes back to a time when life was celebrated as a multidimensional interconnected web. The Earth was respected and seen as a fertile life-force.
The Wheel of the Year begins and ends at Samhain (31st October- 1st November).
Yule falls on the Winter Solstice, 21st December. The shortest day/longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The coldest, darkest point of the year. The word Solstice means ‘sun stands still’.
The word Yule has Norse origins and actually refers not to one day, but to several Yule celebrations that most likely took place between November, Winter solstice and January.
The Winter Solstice has been celebrated for thousands of years. Ancient stone monuments, and stone circles were aligned to both the Winter and Summer Solstice.
The Winter Solstice marked Midwinter for the Celts, Winter beginning at Samhain (31st October), and ending at Imbolc (2nd February). Midwinter is akin to Midnight.
It’s a time of feasting, celebrating darkness and light. We need both of those things in our lives. The Winter Solstice is a turning point, the days begin to get longer. Even though Winter has barely begun, it brings hope for the return of light and new growth to come in Spring.
Notice when the sun rises and sets, notice the quality of the light. Can you choose a subject that encompasses both the dark and the light, day and night, hibernation and growth?
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